THE GUNPOWDER PLOT: A Time for Treason

Eliza and Lucy notice a mysterious stranger in Westminster. They follow him and fear that he is up to no good. But how can they convince their parents of the danger that threatens? And how is Mouser, the kitchen cat, involved?

…I enjoyed this deceptively simple re-telling of the Gunpowder Plot story…Ann Turnbull manages to convey the difficulties of being a loyal Catholic at a time when the words ‘Catholic’ and ‘traitor’ were often assumed to be practically synonymous; and shows us how proscribed and guarded young girls of good family were; Eliza and Lucy can never go outside unchaperoned, for example. We also learn about the uses of the often extensive cellars; the clothes people wore; the food they ate…and how a household was run. And all this within ninety pages… Girls of 7+ should enjoy this lively book, engagingly illustrated by Akbar Ali.
Elizabeth Hawksley, Historical Novels Review.

You can also read a review of this book by Adele Geras here.


Published by A&C Black on 11th September 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4729-0847-6. E-book available.


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